The Best Drywall Cutout Locator Tools To Cut Holes For Electrical Boxes

drywall cutout locator tools

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Electricians usually install their pipe conduits, wires and electrical boxes before drywall installers come to install drywall in the building.

And that means, it’s the job of the drywall installer to make sure all the holes for the electrical boxes already installed by the electrician are cut out properly.

As a drywall installer, you don’t want to cut the holes too big, and you don’t want to cut them too small, you want to cut them exactly the size of the electrical box in question.

The problem is, after installing the drywall over an electrical box, it’s quite difficult to tell, where the box is at, and that makes cutting the holes properly quite difficult.

tools for locating and cutting drywall holes for electrical boxes

That’s why there are tools like drywall cutout locators to help you figure out exactly where the electrical box is located behind the drywall so that you can cut it. Without these tools, it’s very easy to make a huge mess when cutting these holes.

A good electrical box locator not only helps you figure out where the box is at, it also helps you figure out the exact size and dimensions of the box you’re cutting, so that you can cut the holes perfectly.

There are several types of drywall electrical box locators out there, but I’ve gone through most of them and I’ve found some of the best ones you can use.

Here are the best drywall cutout locator tools out there you can use not only to make sure you locate the exact place the electrical boxes are, but to also ensure you cut out their exact shape and dimensions.

Multi-Mark Drywall Cutout Locator By Calculated Industries

This multi-mark drywall cutout locator tool by Calculated industries is arguably one of the best if not the electrical box locator tool I’ve found out there.

It can be use to mark and locate all types of electrical boxes regardless of the shape, size or the type of material the box is made of.

The kit comes with two major parts, one with the target magnet that is placed inside the electrical box, and a locator magnet with a built in marking template that is used to trace the locator magnet once the drywall has been installed.

drywall cutout locator tool by calculated industries

The marking template on the locator magnet ensures the correct position and dimension of the electrical box can be clearly marked and cut out.

Similar models of drywall electrical box locator tools from Calculated Industries that are also very good include the Blind Mark and Center Mark tools.

Related: 20 Important Electrical Tools Every Electrician Should Have

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