20 Table Saw Accessories You Can Use To Upgrade Your Table Saw

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table saw accessories

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If you want to cut materials safer, more accurately and increase the overall functionality of your table saw, then you need to get yourself some table saw accessories.

For instance, dado blade sets and tenoning jigs allow you to perform various specialized cuts and grooves on your work piece for joinery that would be challenging or impossible with just the standard saw blade.

A crosscut sled can help you make better cross cuts, miters and carry out repeat cuts better than the miter gauge that comes with the saw.

Apart from increasing the functionality of your table saw, these accessories also increase its accuracy and safety.

For instance, a good after-market crosscut or miter sled might featured detailed and neatly marked scales that allows small incremental cut adjustments, thus increasing the saws accuracy.

Using a sled or a push block like the GRR-RIPPER also provides you better control of the work piece when making cuts, with your hands safe and far away from the spinning blade.

There are many other table saw accessories that will help upgrade your saw, making it more versatile and more accurate and safer to use. Here are 20 of these accessories for you to choose from.

1. Incra Miter 5000 table saw miter gauge with sled

incra miter 5000 table saw miter gauge with sled

If you’ve made use of Incra’s Miter 3000, then this Incra Miter 5000 table saw miter gauge and sled will make your jaw drop.

It’s one of the most trusted miter gauge and crosscut sleds you’ll ever find out there, and I recommend it without thinking twice.

With it you can break down sheet goods or make any other type of cuts on your table saw with great accuracy.

The Miter 5000 with the T-track secures the workpiece by means of its clamping feature so you can move it and the workpiece or material you’re cutting as one solid unit eliminating any chance for error.

It features precision angle adjustments of ½ degree increments, a stop positioner and clamping sled to enable you work as precisely as possible.

2. FeatherPRO


One thing you want to prevent or avoid at all cost when using a table saw is a kickback, and one of the best ways to prevent it is to use a feather board like the one shown above.

This however is not a regular feather board. The FeatherPRO is more efficient and reliable than a regular feather board due to the material used to build it and it’s overall design.

It’s made of EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) which is a rubber-like plastic material designed to pinch against the fence and absorb all the forces generated when a kickback happens. The FeatherPRO also makes it easier to feed wood smoothly through the table saw blade without any form of wiggle because there’s enough surface contact on the work piece.

Overall, if you want to cut materials with your table saw with confidence, without any fear of kickback happening, the FeatherPRO is one of the best accessories you need installed ASAP.

3. GOINGMAKE Thin Rip Jig

GOINGMAKE thin rip jig

As the name implies, this Jig from GOINGMAKE makes it easier to cut thin strips of your work piece on your table saw without fear of kickback.

That’s because the wheel on it turns only in the cut direction, so it doesn’t allow the wood to go back as you make the cut.

Making very thin rips on a table saw with just the fence alone can be quite dangerous and might lead to kickback.

However, the thin rip jig serves as a mobile fence on the other side of the blade allowing you to position the thin rip piece on the opposite side of the fence, with the rotating wheel of the jig making it easier for the thin piece to slide through during the cut.

4. Rockler table saw crosscut sled

rockler table saw crosscut sled

Although table saws are mainly for making rip cuts, they also come with a miter gauge for making crosscuts and miters or angle cuts.

If you’ve ever had your hands on a crosscut sled however, you’ll realize that the miter gauge is not the most efficient and precise way of making crosscuts and miters on a table saw.

That’s because with a miter gauge, the workpiece makes direct contact with the work table which causes friction and possible errors, due to misalignment of the blade and workpiece.

Larger, wider and heavier workpieces are even harder to handle or maneuver with a miter gauge due to the friction between the saw table and the workpiece, because the wider, larger or heavier a workpiece is, the more friction will occur as a result.

With a crosscut sled on the other hand, the workpiece does not make direct contact with the work table and as a result, it’s not hindered by friction. This results in a much more precise and accurate cut.

Crosscut sleds also makes it safer to crosscut smaller workpieces that will be too dangerous to cut with a miter gauge. By simply clamping the workpiece to the sled and pushing it through the blade with your fingers safely behind the back fence of the sled, you make a much safer cut than when using a miter gauge.

A crosscut sled like the one from Rockler shown above also makes it easier to make repeat cuts efficiently, and also improves accuracy when cutting miters.

5. Incra I-Box jig for box joints

incra i-box jig table saw accessory

Stop wasting time cutting box joints with traditional jigs that don’t give fast and accurate results. This Incra I-Box jig will ease all your box joint frustrations as soon as you start using it on your table saw or router table.

Incra claims it’s the most advanced tool ever produced for cutting stunning variety of box and finger joints, and from what I’ve seen, they’re not joking. I do believe their claim.

The design of the jig allows you to set it up quickly and start working with it without wasting time. The design also improves user safety compared to other tradition box joint jigs, so you can be rest assured that your hands are safe as you work with it.

If you find yourself cutting box and finger joints every day, then getting this Incra I-Box jig should actually be a no-brainer for you.

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6. Bench Dog Tools 40-102 ProMax cast iron router table extension

promax cast iron router table extension

If you have contractor-grade or right-tilt cabinet table saw, then you’ll find this ProMax cast iron router table extension from Bench Dog Tools extremely useful, especially if you have a small shop where space for tools is limited.

What the ProMax cast iron router table extension does is that it expands your table saw’s functionality by simply adding an industrial grade router table in place of the saw’s extension wings.

So, it’s like have a table saw and a router table in one machine. There’s an included Profence which quickly dismounts and hangs by the side with included j-hooks, so you can work with the one machine only. The whole setup includes a router top, fence and a mounting hardware.

7. Rousseau portable table saw stand

Rousseau portable table saw stand

If you have a portable table saw but you need more rip capacity and more room to rip large wood stocks to size, then this stand / extension table from Rousseau might just be the accessory you need.

It compatible with most portable table saws such as the Dewalt DWE7490, Bosch 4100, Bosch GTS1041A, Makita 2705, Rigid R4513 and Sawstop JSS.

The stand and extension wings comes equipped with a T-Style locking fence system which provides all the accuracy you need to make error-free cuts.

8. Table saw feather boards

JessEm 4015 table saw feather board

Table saw feather boards are essential safety accessories that are very necessary if you have a table saw. It’s function is to help hold your stock firmly against the fence and table top.

This helps to protect your hands, prevent binding, kickbacks, bending of blades and ultimately ensure your safety as you make cuts.

Talking about feather boards, the JessEm 4015 above is one of the best feather boards you can get your hands on today.

It’s very easy to setup and works perfectly with any table saw, as well as router tables, shapers and band saws.

Other equally effective table saw feather boards include the Magswitch and Drillpro feather board shown below.

9. MICRODIAL tapering jig for table saws

MICRODIAL Tapering Jig

Making furniture legs like table legs often requires tapering the wood piece that will make up the leg. To cut tapers precisely using a table saw without any accessory can be quite difficult.

That is why I highly recommend this MICRODIAL tapering jig from MICROJIG. Setting your taper angle with it is very easy because it comes with 2 built-in dials, that allows the user to set up the angles accurately from 0 to 10 degrees.

With this Jig, you have a table saw accessory that allows you to create detailed and impeccable tapered legs for your furniture pieces, as the taper angles can be set as fine as 1/8th of a degree, allowing you to be as precise as possible with the furniture legs you’re working on.

The MICRODIAL tapering jig also pers smartly with the GRR-RIPPER push block, allowing the user to safely control the workpiece on the table saw or router table.

10. Setup blocks or height gauge set

Setup Blocks or Height Gauge Set

Setup blocks are not just an accessory for table saws but for other tools like router tables or drill presses where you have to setup or adjust the height of a cutter like a circular blade or a bit.

These blocks from EANOSIC shown above are all 3 inches long, but the width and height are of different sizes like 1/16 inch, 3/32 inch, 1/8 inch, 5/32 inch up to a 1x2x3 inch blocks that allows you to set up your blade height without having to use a measuring tape or ruler to measure it.

Using these setup blocks will allow you to make blade adjustments faster and ultimately improve your workflow, accuracy and efficiency.

11. Universal Fence Clamp

Universal Fence Clamp

The universal fence clamp from Milescraft shown above is one little piece of accessory you should have if you have a table saw.

It’s so small and portable that it allows you to clamp an auxiliary fence to your table saw fence without the clamp getting in the way of your workpiece.

Just make a 3/8 inch hole in the top of your auxiliary fence and fit the arm of the clamp into the hole to secure it to the main fence. With that done, it doesn’t interfere with your work. It can be used for clamping stop blocks, sacrificial fences, resaw fences in bandsaws, half fences and so on.

12. HTC HOR-1038 outfeed roller system

outfeed roller system cabinet table saw accessory

Upgrade your cabinet saw with this HTC HOR-1038 outfeed roller system. With it you can rip large sheet goods like 4×8’ sheets by yourself without help from anyone.

It allows you to do the ripping all by yourself as the outfeed roller system kind of acts like a second person receiving your stock at the other end of the table.

The outfeed roller system is designed so that it allows you to feed stock straight and level through the blade. Your stock will just glide across 15 ball-bearing outfeed rollers smoothly without any friction.

Setup is simple and easy as the outfeed roller system comes with a full size template you can use to mark and attach it to your cabinet saw.

It’s compatible with most 10 inch cabinet saws.

13. Precision miter gauge

The miter gauge is one table saw accessory you’ll use quite a lot when making angled or miter cuts.

Sadly, the miter gauge that comes with new table saws often need a lot of adjustment to get them set properly, and you even end up with total crap miter gauges in some cases.

The Kreg precision miter gauge comes to the rescue. It’s an aftermarket miter gauge that performs the functions of a miter gauge in a more precise manner and without all the stress that comes with the scrappy ones.

If there’s any play between the miter bar and the miter slot, you can easily adjust it tight with just a screw driver. There are positive stops for cutting common angles and so much more.

There’s no doubt the Kreg precision miter gauge is an accessory that will make your life far easier during your woodworking projects.

Getting it or one of the above mentioned accessories will definitely improve and increase the things you can do with your saw, even saving you some valuable time on the job.

14. A safety power switch

saftey power switch table saw accessories

Safety is one of the first things you need to think about when you get any woodworking power tool. You need to be safety conscious whether you’re experienced in using them or not.

Read these table saw safety measures recommended by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) if you have not, and remember to read the manual and follow the rules and safety measures set by the manufacturer.

One of the ways to ensure extra safety when using your saw is to install a safety power switch on it, so that you can quickly turn the saw off by bumping the safety switch with your kneel in case of an emergency.

This safety switch will prove very useful to you in case the blade starts binding with the wood when making a cut. All you have to do is bump the safety or kill switch with your kneel to turn-off the machine and make necessary adjustments.

15. Pushblock for table saws

push block for table saw

Still talking about table saw accessories that enhance safety, a pushblock is a necessary accessory that will make sure you don’t lose your fingers when making cuts.

Even without a blade guard, a pushblock helps you guard stock safely as you rip through it with the machine. It is one of the most important piece of table saw accessory that you absolutely must get for yourself.

Using a pushblock also prevents kickbacks from happening because the pushblock grips the wood and you’re totally in control of the stock at all times. The GRR-RIPPER 3D pushblock is one of the best pushblocks I’ve seen.

So, in case you decide to get a pushblock, the GRR-RIPPER 3D pushblock might just be a perfect fit for you.

power twist link belt table saw accessory

Chances are the belt that come with your table saw are the common V-belts that have been around for as long as I can remember.

Those belts are not bad when you start using them, but as time goes on they start to deform and develop bumps even becoming stiff when you don’t use them for a long time.

When this happens, it causes your table saw to run unusually, causing vibrations and making it difficult for it to run smoothly.

power twist link belt

A good solution to this problem is to use a simple accessory known as a Powertwist link belt. This belt is made up of woven urethane links, which you can easily install by yourself to replace the old V-belt.

Unlike a v-belt, it does not warp or stiffen if you don’t use the saw for a long time. It even helps to absorb some of the vibrations produced during operation, which ultimately helps it run smoothly and quietly.

17. Zero clearance insert

table saw zero clearance insert

Whether you’re using a table saw or a compound miter saw, a zero clearance insert is one of the important accessories you should get. Some new table saws come with zero clearance inserts, but if yours does not come with one, hurry and buy one else you’ll be cursing yourself when you finally discover what you’ve been missing.

The throat plate that comes with new saws have wide clearances or slots for the blade. This is not good because a wide slot allows pieces of wood to go in between the blade and the slot which may cause the blade to pinch the wood, which in turn can also cause a kickback.

Apart from that, a zero clearance insert also improves the dust collection, by preventing dust or other chunks of wood from going in between the blade.

So, having a zero clearance insert is not something you need to debate. It’s a must have table saw accessory. You can make one by yourself, or you can buy an already made aftermarket zero clearance insert.

18. Table saw mobile base

table saw mobile base

Depending on the type of your table saw and the size of your shop, and the type of project you’re working on, you might need to move your saw around quite a bit.

For instance, if your woodwork shop is small, you might not want it right there in the shop all the time. You might only need it when you have to rip some wood. After that, you might need to move it out of the way.

A mobile base allows you to move your it freely. You can buy a mobile base for any kind of table saw. Whether you have a benchtop or jobsite, a contractor or even a cabinet table saw, you’ll always find a mobile base fit for it.

So, unless you have a really big shop and you’re comfortable keeping your saw in one particular position, a mobile base is one table saw accessories you need to make it mobile and position it wherever you want to.

19. Dado blade or Dado set

dado stack table saw accessory

Obviously, the most important part of the table saw is the blade, that’s why you must equip it with the right type of blade to make your cuts are easier and safer.

Apart from ripping wood and making bevel cuts, cutting grooves or dadoes for joinery is one more thing you can do with your table saw if you install a dado blade on it.

A stacked dado blade can be set and adjusted to cut any width or size of groove you desire. So, keep that in mind when you buy a new table saw.

20. Digital angle guage

wixey digital angle gauge table saw accessory

Setting angles for making bevel cuts can be quite complicated sometimes. But that was before I learnt about these small digital angle gauges. With it, all you have to do is attached the gauge to the blade with the magnetic base, and you can set the bevel angle up to the tenth of a degree.

If you find it difficult setting bevel angles when making cuts, then this Wixey digital angle gauge is a must have table saw accessory you should go for.